
I'm hard pressed to disagree very much with your assessment. But I still stand by the songs! :-)

Indeed. And I saved my best stories, just in case I get the call-up.

Not officially. But given how high the ratings are, I can't imagine it not coming to pass. I'm expecting definitive word to come down during the January TCA tour.

Yeah, I was going to ask him about that, but after his answer about working on "Webster," I thought maybe it might prove to be another case like that, i.e. just another job, so I didn't bother. (It was just a one-off, after all.)

For the life of me, I couldn't find a single photo of Morris in his Caucasian guise, and I am starting to think there's been a concerted effort to purge all evidence of his whitening from the internet. But let it never be said that I don't go above and beyond for the readers: pull up this clip - http://www.youtube.com/

I accept your praise and offer as payment a link to the "deleted scenes" from the interview: http://t.co/c1I2aUR9

13 always *was* my lucky number…

Believe me, I'm a huge "Myth" geek, but I figured it was best if I showed some restraint, given that, compared to some of the other entries on the list, it's a comparatively obscure series.

Nah, he's been too busy not being on "Jericho" for much longer than that.

What I thought was particularly interesting was that, really, the actual holiday was more or less incidental to the episode. Aside from the throwaway running joke about Pat pre-cooking the meal and the blink-and-you-miss-it moment of them actually having dinner, that was basically about it.

Hey, the column ain't called "Into the Deep End." HEAD is awesome - and I totally second the standalone Blu-ray suggestion - but it's not a starting point, hence its inclusion in the "Where Not to Start" section.

Per Nesmith, there was almost a "Timerider" TV series. I almost wish I didn't know that. Oh, the possibilities that will never be…

"Someday Man" is awesome. I'd never heard it until I got the "Listen to the Band" box set for Christmas many moons ago. Believe it or not, Davy has taken to popping into his sets in recent years.

I have successfully functioned in society for many years now. But, then, I tend to be pretty low-key about my Monkees geekiness.

I refuse to concede that Clue is a great movie. But I will concede that it's been long enough since I last saw it that it may be better than I remember. Also, this whole line of discussion has served to remind me that I really should enter into negotiations and see what it'd take to get Tim Curry to agree to a

I can neither confirm nor deny its part in the overall scheme of things, having yet to see beyond Episode 2. But I *can* tell you that Tesla's technology plays a big part in why, at the end of that second episode, I was left curious to see where things are going to go in Episode 3.

To respond by paragraph:

Thankfully, they don't follow the format of the game to the letter…or, really, very much at all. As noted, all six kids witness the attack at the beginning - indeed, they see the attackers - so it's evident from the get-go that none of them are the guilty party. Additionally, the classic character names are barely

It's only a miniseries, a mere five episodes. But if it's a success, bet on it turning into a recurring feature on The Hub.