Logan T Huge

And next door neighbor to Jessica Harper who was lead in Suspiria

Another problem with a too new swedish car.  First they had the "Swedish Ambassador" driving a  SAAB 900 with trim from 86 or later (and the wheels are really obvious).  In this one someone (I think it was Martha) driving a Volvo 740 which showed up in late 84.

You can also get away with a 100 guys coming to audition for absolutely nothing, with nothing more than the price of a Playbill ad.

Just put a breathalyzer on the phone, and if you are too drunk it calls your mom instead of your ex.

I always thought a phone like that would be great.  15 years ago, I thought there could be a breathalyzer on a phone, such that certain numbers would require a breath test, and if you were over the limit it called your mom (or wife).  Then some Australian telecom came up with the idea of sequestering a few

This is what happened in Maine in the 70's, the coast and south western lakes became lots for the summer folk from Boston, New York, and LA.

Of course he was bummed Thomas John was rich.

As a pedantic effer I thought I should point out that SAAB was an 86 at the earliest.

Anyone have a problem with colt not noticing two dinners on that table?

Bad Company?  Jessa is no where to be found, so I assume Zosia is not hanging out with Jessa's dad.

Isn't Shannon Tweed the pride of Dildo?

Isn't Shannon Tweed the pride of Dildo?

I always found tall women super fucking hot, if they are as tall or taller than I am (6') then I don't have to worry about them seeing at indie rock shows.

I always found tall women super fucking hot, if they are as tall or taller than I am (6') then I don't have to worry about them seeing at indie rock shows.

Maybe because I live in San Francisco, and my S.O. is a defense attorney but we both were sort incredulous that absolutely nobody questioned if there was an attempted capture, and the legality/morality of assassination.  (There was a great article in slate a week ago about the Port Arthur Massacre and the Australian

Maybe because I live in San Francisco, and my S.O. is a defense attorney but we both were sort incredulous that absolutely nobody questioned if there was an attempted capture, and the legality/morality of assassination.  (There was a great article in slate a week ago about the Port Arthur Massacre and the Australian

@dygintalninja:disqus uh, so you think we should just kill people (and martyr them to boot) to avoid a possibly embarrassing circus trial?   Wouldn't a simple standard run of the mill trial have taken care of the situation?

@dygintalninja:disqus uh, so you think we should just kill people (and martyr them to boot) to avoid a possibly embarrassing circus trial?   Wouldn't a simple standard run of the mill trial have taken care of the situation?