I don't think so…no one would assume that Strax has the power to revive a person from brain death.
I can't take that article seriously at all.
I really can't understand how anyone could come out of Moffat seasons and think he's no longer interested in exploring characters and the Doctor himself, particularly in the face of:
Ah, but it is a two-parter!
Actually, I'm willing to be part of the reason they're not all that embarrassed is because it's not real, or at least not completely. At least one of them is posting from the actual perspective of her character.
I also find their staunch refusal to use the Reply button charming.
Given that they were discovered a while ago, it's funny that they never bothered to move, considering all the abandoned pages out there.
Amy Acker in near total seriousness:
@Scrawler2:disqus Yes, but there are people who did start from S5 and enjoyed them enough to go back to S1-4 and suggest the same. So why argue against it so hard? If the conventional way doesn't work, try an alternative.
Clara enters the timestream so she can foil the Great Intelligence at every
turn. In order to do this she would be placed in a huge range of
settings and supposedly have enough of her wits about her to actually
accomplish her task. But put her in the Doctor's mind or whatever at the
end and she breaks down crying and…
Consistency is not exactly Doctor Who's strength. If they want to find a way to give the Doctor 1000 more regenerations, they will.
It does set up a pretty good episode in "Boom Town".
Scrawler, I don't know why you're under the impression that the skip is fixed for all time. He can very easily choose to go back and watch the first four seasons whenever he wants to (and he should). And then he can rewatch S5-7 to see what he missed.
I don't think so…I feel like that is part of the definition of "diehard".
I also watched from Season 1, but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. Not everyone is like me, who has an abundance of time to watch 7 seasons of new TV show that they're not even sure they would like, which by the way is not an amount of time that you can brush off as "won't take much" (~70 hours).
Dude, there is absolutely nothing in the Moffat era as bad farting aliens. The first episode of the revival with the plastic alien and mannequins is really, really stupid. And RTD's era is FILLED with those types of episodes. It's just not recommendable to any friend who doesn't have a high tolerance for that stuff…
Eh, different opinions, etc, etc.
The goal is not to skip RTD entirely. The goal is to get engaged in Doctor Who so that you are compelled to visit the RTD era, and power through some of the shit that you simply shouldn't be expected to power through (like farting aliens and floating, glowy Jesus Doctor), understanding that you will be rewarded with…
Pandorica Opens/Big Bang - A
The Name of the Doctor - A-
The Wedding of River Song - B
Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways - B-
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday - C+
The End of Time - C+
Utopia/Drums/Last of the Time Lords - C
Stolen Earth/Journey's End - C