
Well fuck, that's really subtle.  Didn't catch that at all.

How do they gauge success on Netflix?  Just the number of views?  They don't get money from advertisers and it seems hard to figure out how man people subscribed just to watch AD…


It looks like taking tweets from liberal celebrities and blowing them way out of proportion is basically what that entire site is about…

Die Hard/Speed
Comments Section/Message Board

Extremely helpful guide for women in Saudi Arabia:

Mountain Time = Charlotte Bobcats

2. Zach Galifianakis >> Interview

I wouldn't call it a slog, since I still enjoyed most of the episodes, but it was disappointing. 

Glad to see the War on drugs is really bearing fruit right now!

In this hypothetical scenario, we choose the actress now and then place her in a state of cryogenic suspension so that she'll still retain her youthfulness.

If you feel the need.  It would avoid the possibility of following the incredibly stupid ending to the Hannibal story, in which they become lovers (unless I guess Clarence is gay).  But it's a double-edge sword, because then you lose the possibility of a Clarice-Gillian Anderson lesbian coupling.

It depends.  In some ways, the show at the current stage is like a procedural, with only monsters-of-the-week and limited character development for Bruce.  As the cast grows though, I think it gets a lot more lively and character-focused.

If Hannibal reaches Season 9 and they decide to play out Silence of the Lambs, who should play Clarice?  And does Mikkelsen play it a little campy like Hopkins does, or keep his own cool intensity?

No, this is 2013.  No one has stopwatches anymore.  We just use our phones.

That's disgusting.

Belay that.  If you have any other show you would like to watch, watch that before Grey's anatomy, which may be harmless and enjoyable, but also completely worthless.

Well, your first mistake would be assuming that constructs of the mind and reality are mutually exclusive.  Between the consequences of special relativity, the fluidity in the definition of the self and consciousness, and the lack of direct physical interaction between the brain and its surroundings, there might not

What about the Shonda Rhimes triumvirate?