
I'm sure I sucked at acting and a lot of things when I was 5 (and now, as a physical adult), but I'm not the one being paid to entertain millions.

I know the kid who plays Lily is only 5, but she sucks.

They had to have had some teenagers voice young Nick and Winston…it was goddamn eerie.

"White people"

It's very hard to pickpocket dwarves without them noticing because they're so fucking short (except for the ones on this show, who are pretty much regular-sized).

Also, it's awesome how 90% of those characters are assholes, and the other 10% are dickwads.

Carrie Preston is #1-76.

By focusing on all the moral murkiness of political campaigns and defense attorneys, the writers have made both Peter and Will appear undeserving of Alicia's affections.

Then Nolan would just Hadoken her green ass.

I don't buy that.  I would prefer my "depth" to be a little less generalized.  A well-acted, well-edited scene doesn't make up for the all the lack of logic and detail that led up to that scene.

They should have had this strong of a conflict in season 8 or even earlier.

Zach Braff on funding 2 Garden 2 State:

Zach Braff has an interview about the controversial funding aspect of the project, which probably won't change any minds (or could possibly piss you off more), but it's worth a read:

@avclub-7399a8aa203c68565ff7196769deadc6:disqus Somewhat dubious logic, since the reviews were pretty positive for Garden State: