Now See Here

A neck tattoo is the ultimate symbol of stasis. Whenever you get one, you've pretty much ensured that your life is going to be  staying at roughly the point that allows you to get a neck tattoo from here on in.

A neck tattoo is the ultimate symbol of stasis. Whenever you get one, you've pretty much ensured that your life is going to be  staying at roughly the point that allows you to get a neck tattoo from here on in.

So, all those articles about a conservative shift in american pop culture as evidenced by Nicki Minaj endorsing Romney?

So, all those articles about a conservative shift in american pop culture as evidenced by Nicki Minaj endorsing Romney?

The guy who plays Cameron has a suprisingly hot wife.

The guy who plays Cameron has a suprisingly hot wife.

Yeah. It didn't feel like it was getting another season.

Yeah. It didn't feel like it was getting another season.

Is this the guy from the village voice who pans every non-american crime film? Cause someone there was pretty clearly doing that.

Is this the guy from the village voice who pans every non-american crime film? Cause someone there was pretty clearly doing that.

Is this a sign Cage has finally paid off all his debts? Or are they all paid off long ago and he's just no longer capable of refusing anything that's offered him?

Is this a sign Cage has finally paid off all his debts? Or are they all paid off long ago and he's just no longer capable of refusing anything that's offered him?

Looking at that child, apparently nothing you do ever will make you as happy as riding in a bumper car with Nick Nolte.

Looking at that child, apparently nothing you do ever will make you as happy as riding in a bumper car with Nick Nolte.

They address the Phoebe thing. She apparently lives way out in the boonies (Which'd probably be one of those hipster enclaves now) with a roommate. Though this doesn't address why she travels all that way to hang out in that coffee shop.

They address the Phoebe thing. She apparently lives way out in the boonies (Which'd probably be one of those hipster enclaves now) with a roommate. Though this doesn't address why she travels all that way to hang out in that coffee shop.

Are we talking moobs?

Are we talking moobs?

Cliffy, you are really old and will probably be dead soon.

Cliffy, you are really old and will probably be dead soon.