
So, advice givers - as the author of the BBW letter, do you think I should show this column to my girlfriend?

I always thought they did too. I bet many do.

She already knew I used porn and did not mind; we'd watched some together on occasion. I didn't even remember I had looked at this particular porn when I let her use my computer. If she was the type that explicitly said she hated the idea of me looking at porn, I would have tried to cover it up, but I didn't even

I am BBW. She initiated it and we have watched porn together before. I never told her I watch BBW porn — honestly didn't think of it as it's a once-in-a-great-while kink, but if I had thought of it I probably wouldn't have said anything because who wants to have the conversation I had to have?

I am BBW (I didn't actually sign my letter - Dan made the fun acronym for me). I think he's right.

I am BBW. I actually didn't sign it, Dan came up with the fun acronym for me.