Bad Horse

I sansa this thread is going to go on a while.

Right, "pre".

These 100 burritos should provide adequate sustenance.

I cannot freaking believe I never have heard of Spaceteam until just now. This could literally save my marriage.

I just bought The Bureau, so not really.

The mix is really bass-heavy, and the mids seem cut so a lot of the pick attack gets sucked out. This is not how you produce a metal record.

Blood Mountain is great but it is advanced Mastodon studies. Blood Mountain does not give a fuck for your "hooks" or "structure" and is far more concerned with overwhelming your puny human mind with craziness. As a result it has more shit-kicking riffs in the first 10 minutes than most bands can manage over an entire

This actually deserves the "Great job" part of the title.

I rent a 4-br house with garage & finished basement in a decent neighborhood in Chicago for $1750. Roach-free.

"Did you think I was a child?"

I don't know if they missed any point there. 2+2=5 knocks down the doors of the victim's reality so you can do whatever else after that, but it takes time. The big reveal in Chain is that Picard did get the door cracked, for all his bravado - only the Enterprise's timely rescue separated him from, say, Theon Greyjoy,

JMS forgets this all the time. "He is behind me. You are in front of me." Have the sense to drop the mic right there.

I do wish 90s Trek's stultifying style guidelines would have been loose enough to do more subjective camerawork - I'd be interested to see what the truth serum scene where Picard is just babbling incoherently would have looked like from his perspective.

"Sheridan is a Great Man, and thus Will Not Break so . . .yeah. It feels like there's no fist in the glove."

All those people are just Tatiana Maslany.

Jon Bon Snowvi

Teles are so great. No matter how hard you smack the strings on an LP you'll never get the same crunch. They're also more musical, at least at the price point I can afford - you can actually get dynamics out of a cheap Tele, whereas a cheap LP just compresses your sound to death.

And heere come the pretzels.

But seriously, you should see Dredd.

Once Bastion started unlocking more abilities and weapons, it actually got to be a lot of fun - there were a lot of weapon combinations to experiment with, different passive & active abilities, lots of combat modifiers, and other good stuff. Sounds like this is probably very similar in opening up more later on.