Bad Horse

Allow me to blow your mind:

I enjoyed those on account of their being the only real challenge in the whole game. Never could turn on enough idols to make the story missions truly difficult. But those challenges really forced you to refine your moves and figure out the intricacies of each weapon, which I thought was neat.

Plus you can change the voice actors and nobody will know the diddly-ifference!

Someone must have told the producers about that little maneuver he pulled at the cast party for Nighthawks.

I finally won a game of FTL so I need something new to obsess about never ever winning. Kerbal Space Program it is.


*SPOILERS, OBV* He had a deep and abiding hatred for Duras since before K'Ehlar (spelling, whatever) was killed, on account of the whole discommendation business. I don't think he gives a fuck about Dukat one way or the other right now. Duras just pushed him over the edge.

They overflowed Sonia's badness counter and she rolled over to good.

I would have liked to see Montana.

something something breakfast

Don't worry, it'll all be over in a FLASH!

Take meeeeee
To the midget of the moment

For 3 straight hours that was all he talked about.

Oh man, I was so worried it was gonna be Kurtzman/Orci.

Differentiate the parties? Challenge accepted!

Of all the fuck yous that were rated the most passionate, this one left them all behind. The end.

Flagged for distinguishing between periods of Creed.

Some people have rigged the enemy base with explosives. Albert has.


That's a real popular song! Who wants to hear of it 50 times more?