Bad Horse

"To communicate the depth of my displeasure, I'm going to resort to some…violent…sexual imagery."

How long was that?

Even when BSG has battles, they don't always get staged as battles - a lot of times they push the military action to the background while something more character-based happens in the foreground. A lot of the combat winds up with a sort of low-impact ethereal quality that sometimes winds up coming off as understated,


Looks like a real Airbust.

Rush x Dune = nerdsplosion
Rush x Dune sequels = what is this I don't even

Y-Y-Zed! And no, it's impossible.

I accept 25% of his opinion. Voyager is totally shitty.

"WHERE ARE MY DRA… oh, there they are."

They're gonna stick it to the man!

It seems there should be more than enough room in a fan's heart for Star Trek and Star Wars seeing as how they come from completely different traditions and have completely different goals. My main reason for preferring Trek over Wars lately has been a preference for its tradition, as well as Wars just outright

That cheesy dolly rocked. If there was ever a moment to pull that move out, that was it.

I would argue that 9/11 and its aftermath are more than enough identity for one decade. But to your point,

It does need to end after "you are in front of me". That last sentence just flattens the momentum, dammit.

Bread Scott v Sandwich

@Automocar:disqus You haven't berated any of us on flimsy premises yet.

Your jaunty quarter-turns to face the camera say fun sci-fi adventure, but your music says DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

One of the reasons I like Mad Men so much is how, especially this season, it starts really doubling back and using those "baser needs" as a weapon to tell the real story. The first 2-3 seasons do this great job of building Don up as this sort of super-cool man of mystery from another time, and even when he's obviously

If we're doing white dudes, I want John Noble.

Sort of. Watch The Best of Both Worlds back-to-back with Scorpion and you'll get a perfect lesson in why TNG >>>>>> Voyager every time. TNG has characters, perspective, sharp dialogue, and focus. Voyager has special effects.