Bad Horse

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus Because there's ALWAYS a canal, or an inlet, or a fjord. Plot-justified or not, the effect is the same, and what's more jarring is Year of Hell is 1 episode of what the entire series, by rights, should be. They should be getting the ever loving tar beaten out of them all

@avclub-f14314bf4d4a1bd450664f089241fe86:disqus I remember hearing that the battle at the end of Nemesis was supposed to involve many more ships, but they blew all the budget on…who the hell knows, that movie looks cheap as hell.

"on-the-nose, but…they work" is B5 in a nutshell.

You amaze me in that you even have a favorite Wire episode. Favorite season, sure.


Mostly I just hope it isn't my boss.

I would fire the guy owner for being evil Jean-Ralphio

This Will End Well: The Series

Dear God, the TNG S1 reviews were 3 years ago and we're only now arriving at Planet of the Rapes? What is wrong with us?

Only if he saw it in France. They get EVERYTHING.

Infinite Dicks in Infinite Combinations

Compared to the kinds of clues a lot of serialized TV shows drop in today - 3/4 of Mad Men is told silently with significant glances - that kind of detail is pretty obvious.

I endured B5 at my wife's urging until The Long Twilight Struggle. After that, I was the one doing the urging.

Liked for the mental image of Pygram guest starring on Entourage.

Turns out it's man.

B5 did have the sense to throw out the house style guide more often than Trek did - the most wearying thing about Trek through the 90s and even into Enterprise was that they just all kept that flat, polite TNG tone even when a more free approach would have been more effective and dramatic.

Isolationism makes tons of sense in the B5 universe seeing as how humans know damn well that they aren't the main power in the galaxy. Earth's political situation post-Minbari war is much like in America after WWI, if WWI had been a nuclear exchange.

Deep down you want a cold-hearted Decepticon to lower your skyscrapers, brutalize the Autobots, and rule you like a giant space robot king!

I can arrange that! You could USE a good pitcher!

God, Tarantino wishes he could have caught him doing it. It would almost have been worth him doing it.