Bad Horse

I did really like the 4th wall gimmick for how it always just lets the pulp flag fly. Lines like "I love that woman. I love her more than a shark loves blood" are what keep this at a B or B- level for me and not drop down into the C range.

They explicitly stated that Russo was intended to fail on multiple occasions. The plan was to set him up to take Matthews' seat as governor, thus taunting Matthews enough so that when they get him to fuck up, Matthews takes over and vacates the VP seat for Frank. Stamper and Underwood are shown to be explicitly

I think she's supposed to be awakening or some shit, except that at no point prior to that did she give any indication that she was capable of awakening. The arcs on this show are really weirdly truncated, not just Underwood.

Killing him was such a mistake. It's de rigeur for a political drama to have some great big murder in it - shit, even the West Wing has the assassination of Abdul Sharif - and this one just seemed obligatory. It cut off Russo, who was the most interesting character on the damn show, and it led to a whole bunch of

Uh huh. And where are the hookers?

Get it? The mailbox was Haldeman!

It's like raieeeeeeeiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaain

House of Cards is also as over the top as they come while retaining credibility. I enjoyed season 1 on the pulpy merits, even after *VAGUE SPOILERS* it turned into every other political thriller ever after episode 11.

I don't even want to know what kind of orgasm goes BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

…Sorry, I was just picturing Gay Town.

Every day we're out and making DUCK TALES!

@avclub-70c79fc58b2c3e2785355b37573f2f56:disqus Wouldn't it be funny if, like, Chris Brown was raped by 5 guys like, right now?

Or was it Buddy Rich? I always had a thing for drummers.

Isn't this the final season of Parks? I thought they were doing a pretty good job wrapping up the plots - Leslie and Ben are going to get married, Leslie's going to defeat Jamm at some point, Ron has a girlfriend who isn't a psycho, Tom is actually a successful businessman, April's character has done a near 180, etc.

“While someone was about to show their box, another one was being decorated.”
*writer falls out of chair suddenly*

Seinfeldvision is probably my all time least favorite.

We need to recycle everything - even jokes.

Did he just talk to me like I'm ugly?

You really are surprisingly gay.

I might have bumped up Sandwich Day. "I can have it ALL!"