Bad Horse

Any mention of Smallville sends me straight to the Angry Dome.

I chose a half season, when I should have gone all the way. No more half seasons, Walter.

Rules of Engagement? Control your tongue, sir.

So you're anti-sonic cliches but you play Ampeg. Noted.

Vai *barfs*

I hear the Class 5 is pretty good. Relatively cheap too.

Nay, the finest. That whole 2-parter just makes me mournful for Enterprise's potential. Most of the time I don't even bother mourning.

Season 2 is all aces from Blood Oath onwards. Then The Search is weaksauce. On rewatch, I'm finding early season 3 to be better than early season 2, but not by much. And I'll take s2's 3-part opener over The Search 8 days a week.

"No, Captain. I expect [you to die]!"

@BreakingRad:disqus I love that episode. So. Much. It's seriously in my DS9 top 5.

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus Too many guns, and the bullets, and the HEY HEY HEY NOT ENOUGH SHIELDS, LADYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

I am scared to watch that movie again lest it fail utterly to hold up to my gauzy teenage memories, as I'm certain it will.

*hack comedy record scratch double-take noise*

'Racial Sensitivity'. Good for you.

It's like QWOP except somehow even dumber.

Fast motion. Disqualified.

If anyone can pull off the slo mo NOOOOOOOOO, it's Brooks.

Now you can walk away tall.

@avclub-b894e4330aeaa46a373292d17c62984d:disqus There's no motivator like a siege mentality.

Mwahahaha. That was a little rougher than I remembered.