Bad Horse

He gives less than a fuck about all of them like 5 seconds later.


Harry Kim?

Hey, Voyager crew, we're the Borg. 'Sup.

I say we start pumping up The Maquis, then Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast.

Not coincidentally, that is where Dukat turns from an awesome character to a shitty villain.

Nice comment. Meta-criticism is a great approach for early DS9 because so much of it is obviously constructed to bash away at TOS/TNG expectations. How else to explain the ending of Move Along Home, if you're giving the writers any credit at all?

Star Trek has too many goddamn Rashomons. Especially Voyager.

Can we talk about how brutal Maritza is as Darheel? Because goddamn. That is some dark shit.


Oh dear, this does not look good at all.

I measure hotness in Amy Ponds. This girl looks to be about 0.65 AP.

Oh sure, blame the wizards.

Don't think I won't.

Canon is speciesist. That particular point is made first on TNG and backed up in at least 1 place later in DS9.

On the contrary, the creativity in all these puns…I'm just full

The DS9 S1 mantra. It's a lot like early Farscape in that the plots aren't always original, but the handling has a sneaky little subversiveness to it.

That's why it's so good. The conflict sphere pushes the characters where they already wanted to go in their darker moments. If we were doing this crap with the TNG characters again, or god help us, Voyager, they would just wind up boring each other to death.

Next time on We're #1, Bad Horse throws a fucking fit.

I used to be an adventurer like you.