Bad Horse


I like how it portrays religion as politics by other means.

Fine effort but I don't think you quite captured Straczynski's condescending dickishness.

I beg to differ, sir. They would be boring if they were Voyager episodes because there wouldn't be anything other than plot to latch onto. Because these are the DS9 characters, there's enough entertainment just in the way they play off each other to enliven the standard-issue plots.

Sometimes, though, man, that skeevy Ferengi sexuality just makes me want to take a shower.

Can we just talk about how badass the shootout halfway through Captive Pursuit is? Whoever directed that thing deserves all the credit for shooting the hell out of that promenade set.

Past Prologue is as strong a second episode as any I've seen. Well, any Trek second episode at least.

I endorse this gimmick. Wholeheartedly.

No, Mr. Peterson, a cat is a living creature!

I respect Move Along Home for going full shaggy dog. Who even does that?

Around season 3 TNG was consistenly doing what the TNG movies always struggled to do - tell these big, epic stories with grand themes where every character (except probably Troi) is important and has a moment. There's at least a half-dozen episodes in season 3 that come across as kick-ass to non-fans with no

Oh jesus god christ fuck The Gathering. I would watch Farpoint 5 times in a row before I try and finish that thing once.

@avclub-4b7a2cf08c2e361d9f8c481c7eaac2e8:disqus So true. From pretty early in season 3 B5 has the momentum of a nonstop bullet train made of depleted uranium with rocket boosters attached. Not a Profit and Lace until season 5.

I rather liked the "battle" in Emissary for that reason. O'Brien being all "What shields" and then Kira's bluffs are good stuff.

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus Still better than Black Ensign from Enterprise.

IIRC Picard is the only one of the major cast who doesn't wear a DS9 uniform. Oh fuck, I don't know. Fuck Generations.

The only time I've been to Vegas was when I was a month away from turning 21. Star Trek experience was the only thing I could even do.

Tuco from Breaking Bad collected the fuck out of those Jem Hadar trophies. Also, that episode fucking ruled.

Then the design worked. DS9 is supposed to be a giant shithole.

Check out the horse photobombing that shit at the left. Stay classy, equine brother.