Bad Horse

Or American football. UK types seem to get it, but not continental Europeans.

I am pleased there will be no grades. They just don't make sense in a retro review of a serialized show.

Clever things make them feel stupid, and unexpected things make them feel scared!

They fuck and get it over with?

@avclub-e35d204394187fa34e582eb1e04b494f:disqus You're asking him to watch a season of Voyager/Enterprise a week. Do you want Zack to die?

Partially true, except the second episode, Past Prologue, kicks a ton of ass too, and even at its lowest, DS9 has Trek's second-best season 1 by miles.

@avclub-5ba47c07b9b6a8f2718d94fa3f48fe9f:disqus I have seen Broken Bow 3 times and I can remember not a single thing that happens in it. I assume the band gets together.

To be more complete, Emissary > Where No Man Has Gone Before > Caretaker > Farpoint > Broken Bow.

Encounter at Farpoint > Broken Bow

The captain's chair don't recognize your ass.

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus The typical TOS episode to me is the entire command staff beams down to some planet, leaving Scotty in charge, somebody ambushes and captures them, Kirk gets them to exposit, Scotty debates whether/how to rescue them, Kirk punches and lectures their way to escape and

best. finale. ever.

Agreed. Or the shot where they're going down to the ferry and a tripod appears on the hill behind them, or any number of other genuinely frightening little bits.

You have made an enemy today.

I am laughing and also want to punch you in the face.

"raped by a pack of arrests"

Anyone who's seen the prequels could tell you George Lucas has no sense of humor.

While a slave, no less.

And at his Twilight-iest.

A date. Dinner with friends. Dinner alone.