Bad Horse

so much like.

The emphasis is on bad.

Zack's seen a lot of history. Watched a lot of bad TNG. This will be his last.

Space Siri kicks fucking ass

I figured it was just a really nasty method of torture.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus That's like the Dr. Marvin Monroe question - what feature of the Enterprise makes it interesting?
If you said the holodeck, you were wrong. It was never interesting.

"Pinocchio is broken. His ass has been kicked."

Yellow, green, whatever! Just bring more of it!

Except for DS9, possibly. DS9 has some real whoppers.

With Jonathan Banks!

@Charles R That remake sounds horrible. There would probably be some sort of time travel involved, only they probably wouldn't think through its implications, and then one of those characters would have to die, probably like a chump. Thank God nobody ever made that.

I don't know, @avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus , if that really washes. Trek has always been about how people are the same all over - the same aspirations, the same needs, and in a lot of cases going to ludicrous extremes to duplicate the history and everything else about Earth. I mean, if you can't

What else would you do with an idea like that? You don't go to genre movies strictly to absorb the ideas, you go for entertainment, and that comes first from characters and second from plot. If the ideas are all you want, you're better off reading something.

There is no way in hell I'm clicking on that. It would probably make me swear off Trek and then cut my wrists.

You forgot her and remembered Pulaski. Let's make it number 20

Seven of Nine belongs a couple spots higher.

Picard's decision style is also basically designed to prevent any sort of blowback. He's steady, measured, unflappable, and almost infallibly wise. He sowed no seeds from which to reap the whirlwind.


"I was just trying to push your limits, but it turns out you have no limits. You are the worst people alive."

The extended Khan only adds like 1 minute, tops, and the theatrical cut is superior.