Bad Horse

I like it. Goes pretty well for the whole TNG vs TOS universes, really. No money in the 24th century? Pull the other one, fuckers.

I thought Voyager was entertaining enough on a case-by-case basis until Netflix. On further review, even the entertaining Voyagers have serious, serious problems. They will pick plot over character every time and it's not a good trade.

I also call Nemesis TNG's Khan, but I don't mean it affectionately.

First Contact has like 5 sets. I'm guessing half the budget is in the opening battle.

Also, they couldn't get ILM because they were working on The Phantom Menace.

Actually, in Insurrection I don't have a problem with Action Picard, since it's been established that a younger Picard is a hellraiser. I can live with it in First Contact. But boy, is that shit ridiculous in Nemesis.

It's worse than that. The TOS movies, and Khan in particular, did their characters a wonderful service by taking its triumvirate and deepening them, especially Kirk. The TNG characters become considerably shallower on the screen. Picard, like Zack said, starts engaging in punch-outs. Data's understated, alien emotions



Possibly Matt Pike. But in another, more accurate sense, no.

Jesus-as-Christmas propaganda? On FOX? You must be joking.

I haven't seen this many Ds and Fs since the oh-so-glorious meltdown of Heroes.

Roooarrgh ur roo

The Trek fans have seen the Star Wars prequels.

I would probably actually see an all-musical version of Stone Cold. Or Showdown in Little Tokyo.

Or it could send you direct to twee hell. Thanks, Sufjan Stevens.

Yar's Revenge doesn't escalate. Once you figure out how to beat the first wave it doesn't really get any harder

Hey, there are at least 4 good Atari games.

Simplest to learn, but hard as a motherfucker to master. Harder than any of the other ones at the top levels. I've been playing SMK for 17 years and I'm still better at Double Dash.