Bad Horse

Frack and smeg have a pleasing snap to them, like an expletive should. Frell is just too soft.

When Data's getting crazy, you try and get to his off switch. I'll be right behind you.

If I had any confidence that a good share of the money from the Star Wars Blu-rays was finding its way to Hamill, I might consider buying them.

Please, Christians aren't clever enough for "baiting". At least not the kind who get worked up about this shit.

There just aren't enough LOLs for that. I guess this makes me an ironist.

It would have basically been Equinox. So whatever, they did essentially do it.

Man, just watch The Paradise Syndrome (if you can stay awake) for McCoy just being a complete ass.

Yes, exactly like Interface is really TNG's version of It's A Wonderful Life.

Armageddon Game was great, even if budget cuts forced their intended chase into a very small room.

Tangentially, I love how at the end of Gamesters when Kirk's stunt double needs to stay on the yellow or lose his weapon, he steps out of bounds like 10 times and they shot it from pretty much the most noticeable angle possible.

You failed in your duties. I'm so sick of Nielsen families deciding which shows live and die.

Clearly Geordi = Krieger, especially the holographic women. Also, Picard's authority is not recognized in Warp Core Kickass.

Yep. Inheritance, Thine Own Self, and Firstborn IMO. Possibly also Preemptive Strike, but I'm willing to award it points for being DS9-ey.

No question, Cause and Effect has the greatest cold open in the Trek franchise. Possibly the greatest ever.

"But man, if “Interface” is the mean for what’s to come, I’m not looking forward to the next couple of months."
It sure is and you're sure not.

Christianity: trying too hard since Constantine


Totalitarian empires perhaps aren't so great for technological innovation, unless you happen to work in the fast-growing planet killing superlaser sector.

Every show needs W. Morgan Sheppard.

There's tons of comparisons. 2001, for instance. Or Ambien.