Bad Horse

This wasn't even the most h8ful review I've seen around here lately.

Her agent.


That would make them the first clever things in the history of Saved by the Bell.

You mean the ones that take like 30 minutes to kill you and are stoppable? Unlike a high explosive?

I'll trade any special effects advance for naked Jenny Agutter.

The problem is that fucking Lucas actually thinks it's an act of artistic integrity to not release the original editions. If he keeled over and died yesterday it would not be too soon.

There is no faster way to set off my trendy gimmick alarm, even with a 4-year lag. I'm waiting for next year's crop of shows about educators producing and selling various illegal drugs using their subject knowledge.

What, like "I wear knit hats at bonfires, you wear them at Bon Iver"

If TNG has matched the original cast in popularity, it's despite the TNG movies, not because of them.

Somehow your version is even less funny.

I love the dated aspects. It's like watching Mad Men in space without the self-awareness.

But what about Babylon Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive?

Looks like someone never saw a toy aisle at Shopko circa 1989.

I for one think it's almost a dead heat between TOS, TNG, and DS9 for best Trek, but DS9 is the most satisfying from a modern perspective - at least it's by far the densest, and doesn't have TNG's half-endearing half-infuriating Pollyanna problem.

I will say that early TOS does nail a certain kind of mood that's associated with hard sci-fi, where space is huge, uncivilized, and lightly populated, and you are one tiny dinghy on a storm-tossed sea holding out.

The one where an 11,000-mile unicellular organism that creates a hole in space drains the "life force" of animate and inanimate objects alike? Not buying it.

That's a generational (sorry) question. If you're younger (late 20s, early 30s), TNG is not necessarily less iconic than TOS.
And they really don't have the same worldview, almost to the point where they seem like different universes. Personally I tend to think the TOS universe is a lot more believable even if they got

Also wasn't there a pretty much godawful Voyager where a faction of individual Borg was considered a mortal threat to the Collective, that needed to be crushed? I guess I tend to prefer the TNG take because Voyager's Borg are generally just bitchy little girls.

That's the Kirk solution. Followed by 4 seconds of "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" followed by Kirk somehow logics him to death.