Bad Horse

"What's more, life isn't valuable, but information is. Therefore, the idea of torturing someone for information is absolutely logical as a necessary step for acquiring it."
Torture has never been an effective means of extracting information. One wonders that it is still practiced.

LOL, we don't even care about your show.

Chicken, rice, black beans, hot & corn, cheese, lettuce.

You know the real problem with Genesis isn't the ridiculous biology (it's truly, truly absurd, but whatever). The real problem is the pacing. You know what TOS would have done is just picked up from the point where Picard and Data find the drifting Enterprise. Fuck the buildup. If you've got to do the cool stuff like

It has the least favorable good/meh/crap ratio of any TNG season since season 1. The mehs definitely have it. All Good Things, Lower Decks, and The Pegasus are the only ones I feel comfortable calling "good". And of course, Sub Rosa, Genesis (the rich man's Threshold) and Masks are crap. So yeah, not a lot going on in

There mu$t have been a good rea$on not to.

I'm watching TOS now, and Kirk grieves for every single redshirt, every time. For exactly 4 seconds.

It's not even murder. It's a really late abortion.

The Dominion don't want Borgs. They'd be even harder to beat than the Federation.

Concur. Look that shit up. They wanted Picard fencing Borg in tights.

SNES TNG was bitchin, even if you could just have Data be your one-man away team for everything. I still have that thing laying around somewhere.

Ron Jones was a bad loss for TNG. They wouldn't get decent scores again until late DS9.

Messy, sticky fanboy love is all over Nemesis. That's exactly its problem. If they would have stopped trying to ape Khan, and stopped counting on character love to get them through, it might have been alright.


Dammit, I can't reply to Thrace. Stupid nested comments.

If I've learned anything from watching Star Trek, it's that prime directives are made to be violated.

"The franchise has never been higher."

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Jerry Goldsmith is the hero of TMP insofar as anyone is. He very nearly manages to sell that shit, unbearably long as it is.

You know what would have been badass is instead of having the Borg travel back to humanity's emergence as a galactic superpower, have the Enterprise go back to the emergence of the Borg, while they are still mostly organic and are only on the verge of going assimilation-crazy. Maybe to stop them.

Also a plausibility thing. If you don't beat the Borg quickly, you don't beat the Borg at all.