Bad Horse

I have never had a problem visualizing Crosby as Troi. I have had a tremendous problem visualizing Sirtis as Yar, which they were considering. Dear God.

Come to think of it, sonic showers are useless as a wank aid. What a bleak, horrible future they live in! Especially before holodecks!

The Shore Leave planet doesn't get properly Kirked, as presumably they are allowed to go about their business after a short WTF period.

I haven't seen Enemy Mine, but isn't it pretty much The Enemy from season 3?

Holy shit, Morn, she did WHAT with the velvet wand? While doing her doctoral defense?

Notably, Vic Fontaine is 10 times the counselor Deanna Troi ever was.

At the risk of being unpopular, I put the blame for all this squarely on you.

Lots of things have no Counselor Useless, like The Wire, or Mad Men, or Breaking Bad, or BSG. Or, for that matter, DS9.

It's funny how Worf's racism is supposed to be a bad thing when the episode is equally as racist.

I'm partial to Lucille's graceful-armed chicken

I hate the government!
You hate White Power Bill.

This has nothing to do with hipsterness. I've hated The Wall since I liked Dream Theater, and I'm well aware how fucked up that is.

Yo, fuck The Wall. What a bunch of high school notebook scribbling drivel (except for maybe Comfortably Numb).

I'm not gonna lie to you, that smells like pure gasoline.

Except Spock's Brain is fun. More like the Okona award.

Ron Moore commentor was created by man.

Oh, Spiner, who needs those guys to make a fool of you when your acting does a good enough job?

Yeah, the end of AI is the farthest thing from sappy. It's completely pathetic and sad.

Same difference

"Birthright" wasn't the greatest two-parter ever minted