Bad Horse

There really wasn't any point in that crossover, since the TNG staff probably wouldn't let DS9 people act like they're on DS9, with the butting heads and all.

That guy's a regular Michael Bay

FIRE *cannonade*

And on that day, young Bad Horse heard of Yes and The Who for the first time.

I don't see what in the last 10 years of American history would make you think that.

Not to rag on your argument, because I sort of agree, but this seems like a weird example. The Indians are trying to be on-the-nose and obvious.

I would hope Olivia Williams gets to be the Doctor for the sole reason that I like staring at Olivia Williams.

Season 2 of Voyager isn't the good season of anything. Voyager did its best work in seasons 4-5.

I watched 2 seasons of Farscape and I wouldn't be able to discuss it beyond "god, what a weird fucking show". Gotta try again sometime.

Also, in at least that case, the winnable test aspect is defensible, as the Vorlons aren't actually trying to break their main instruments of Shadows resistance.

The Vorlons may have figured defiance would be important when B5 needed to secede from Earth and Delenn needed to break the Grey Council. They just didn't imagine the younger races would actually go the rest of the way and turn against them too.

Yes, yes and yes.

*DS9 SPOILERS* He's referring to how Odo and Kira reconcile during Dax's bachelorette party, offscreen, after Odo turned against them for like 2 crucial episodes.

What if Sirtis and/or Frakes are actually the real Wil Wheaton? *head explodes*

That is how you start a season. I am not nearly as enamored with the start of season 3, which I am now seeing for the first time.

Except the human body generates no heat unless you feed it something, and the machines are keeping individual bodies alive for decades. I guess you could say the machines are using them to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, but you'd think you'd find something more efficient if you were a sentient machine

Author, Author is a very good episode but they really didn't have enough time to go into the trial the way they do in The Measure of a Man. If you really want to overthink it, though, you could say that Janeway, being from a more scientific background, has a hard time believing in the Doctor's sentience when she knows

It is a test of wills. Madred is just giving Picard a taste of sweet, sweet freedom before cruelly yanking on the chain and seeing how he'll respond.

I'll complain about season 1 of 24. It sucks. Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks. Just skip it and go to season 2 instead. All you need to know is *SPOILERS* Jack's partner is a mole and kills his wife.

I thought the rebels in the Matrix were rebels because something about the way their brains were wired did not allow them to accept the Matrix as reality. They had to escape or go mad. Now, why the machines don't just let them go, at a cost of maybe .0000000001% of their power plant, is an awesome question. As it