Bad Horse

But that's like the most space Jesus thing he ever does! aside from his general appearance, of course.

But then…every religion is wrong!

Except then you'd cut out Death Wish, one of the top 5 Voyagers.

See, now this is how you do a gimmick with staying power - have something substantive to say.

Boreanaz has like 35 years of this to go before he catches the almighty Shat.

Well, Cookie, that's the best part. Once Q become Q and are no longer unbounded by time, they are "always" Q. I'm not sure if I'm nuts about the Q just being, though - it's kind of intelligent design-ey.

There are so many negatives in that last sentence, I can't not don't even know how to make sense of it. But I agree - what B5 needed was not more space Jesus.

Ukridge: There is, more or less. Body and Soul, from season 7.

Because that doesn't establish the connection that everyone is looking at the same table, or having the same experience. At least not with the cool slow-zooms as each of them adds a detail they remember. I like the scene as-is.

What I wanna know is which of you regulars runs Fuck Yeah TNG. It's gotta be one of you, right? And if so, get on celebrating this.

Now, considering the Trek-verse is lousy with GLBs, you get another problem. With all these parallel universes with unstoppable transdimensional beings, you wouldn't think they could all coexist. At some point in history (or many), there must have been some sort of war where somehow these GLBs did battle, competing

The problem is, even when TNG does attempt a lighthearted episode that doesn't completely fail - Deja Q, Hollow Pursuits, maybe Menage A Troi if you're feeling really charitable - they aren't built on premises that undercut the laws of the Trek-verse. On TNG, at least, you expect a small degree of adherence to the

Well, that settles it
Goldie Hawn must die.

"Get the guy who did Knight & Day! It'll be gold! Gold, I tells ya!"

Which isn't as odd as all that. If you accept Parallels, which basically posits that all possible universes exist, and that there is a possible evolutionary path to the Q, then Q are inevitable. Since they're transdimensional as well, it only has to happen once to happen everywhere.

In order to treat that seriously, they'd have to meet the aliens ridiculously early, like 20 minutes into the episode, and then somehow conclude the whole thing. Plus it would actually undercut the weird undertones in that line by turning it into pretty standard TNG.

How can there even be a lead Q? Is he more omnipotent?

Maybe it's like Israel for amargosas.

Persistent or not.

If the Q were trying to keep a low profile, maybe they should have picked a less showy cover-up? One that contradicts fewer laws of physics?