Bad Horse

So far the only thing this album has done for me is remind me how great Chemistry of Common Life is.

I don't know how they grade it, but…


Is it even possible to shill ironically?

Also, it's interesting to note that some of the 24 episodes airing in the run-up to the Iraq war actually have disproving a causus belli as their central goal. Not what I was expecting at all from such a right-wing show, although I guess the idea could have been to give people the impression that we actually were

I'm slogging my way through 24 right now - I'm up to season 2. I swear, nothing I've ever seen has screamed "hey, it's 2002" louder.

Felt Pelt for the win with Alison Brie.

Early BSG is going to have 2003/2004 written all over it, like 24 does. I don't know what future viewers will make of BSG post-New Caprica though.


I'd say Archer too, at least in speed and density of jokes.

I'll leave when I'm good and ready!

The zero hour, Michael. It's the end of the line. I'm the firstborn. Sick of playing second fiddle. Always third in line for everything. Tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about.

He said some things FantasticBastard-ey wasn't ready to hear.

This conversation has been pleasant and professional. Good luck in the coming business year.

"Really shoddy narration. Just total crap."

There really aren't too many clues that can't be chalked up to the personality of the character in question. You can find it if you're looking really hard, I guess

He says that in the aired version too, it's just bleeped. I prefer the aired version


Remastering the existing movies in 3d was plenty of reason for me to swear off Star Wars forever. And that was just last year or something.

Big-budget Darmok.