Bad Horse

I see less episodes per season as a positive development, especially with TV being more serial.

Whoever goes there is going to some dark places. Dark and possibly hilarious.

I wouldn't go so far as to say he was highly competent. He was still Barclay and all his episodes revolved around him being a weirdo.

For what it's worth, I seem to remember that one special effect where they blow something up in the cylindrical forcefield being totally awesome in 1992.

"Sack Handler?" Maybe you should go pitch a book of your collected puns.

Nothing is TNG-ier than The Inner Light, for better or for worse. And I'm convinced the darkness in the back half of season 6 is mostly a reaction to all the…shall we say "high-concept premises" in the first half.

The best part is how someone watched A Fistful Of Datas and was all like "hey, we need an episode with more Spiner and more ridiculous". Hence Masks.

As long as we're talking about Doctor Who, they could have done a River Song thing with them, except she's usually the only one time traveling. Or some shit.

Challenge accepted

Billy: Holy shit, you are so right. 3 of the first 7 episodes of season 6 include transporter accidents/deaths/weirdness.

I love how I spoiler-tagged a post and then redacted the actual spoiler before I typed it.

Garibaldi was kind of predictable, though. That guy just looks right-wing, which *B5 SPOILERS* is part of why his S4 arc plays so well.

How can anything, ANYTHING, be sexist-er than Angel One? That shit makes Roger Sterling look like Andrea Dworkin.

Just keep reminding yourself of Chain of Command.

I wonder how they advertised that one man show. "As seen on Star Trek TNG!"

You're in Breach, Chico

Also love that "chase" scene immediately following, and I've never used that word more loosely.

Oh boy, the back stretch
These next few weeks we're on the season 6 pain train.

Dear sweet Jesus, that is a punchable face. I've never wanted to hit anyone more. She's somehow more punchable than John Mayer and The Situation.

I think I've only ever seen the long version of TMP. The short version or director's cut would probably move like Die Hard by comparison.