Bad Horse

This fucker has a motherfucking great gimmick.

Also the light would have to travel back from the sun before the sky darkened, at the speed of light obv. So, in general, whatever.

"YOU WILL DIE…slowly, Neelix." *shit-eating grin*

I heard your grandpa died in the Bajoran occupation. So did mine.

Yeah, fuckin Equinox. Or Year of Hell, when all of a sudden what should have been happening all series gets compressed into 2 episodes. Voyager, much as I hate to say it, was actually better when it forgot its premise entirely, because with that premise you should go all the way or not at all, and they were always

Well, thanks to Voyager/Enterprise/Nemesis, that was true by the time of the reboot.

Who says they got paid?

The point is, their Nexuses, if they're supposed to just reflect a person's ideal state back to them, should show them on the bridges of their respective Enterprises. And you don't get to say that "well, maybe they were actually buying what the Nexus was selling them", because Kirk clearly isn't with his whole "don't

Not me, man. "I believe the term best used to describe him is rogueAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH"

I call BS on that. The Voyager crash in Timeless doesn't break the ship apart, like it obviously should. At least in Generations there was obviously some effort to control the descent.

I wasn't nuts about it at the time and I'm still not, but I think it's better than its reputation. It was preceded by a Phantom Menace teaser, which was mindblowing at the time, enough to overshadow the actual movie. I would argue Insurrection is a better movie though.

Yes, that's what I was going to say.

The baseball one is awesome. Come on. "Death to the opposition!"

Or, for that matter, Insurrection without all the parts of it that sucked - again, TV show Data (I'll allow Picard being actiony because it fits with a younger Picard), better effects, and maybe more shades of grey in the whole handling of the Dominion war. I once thought an ideal Insurrection might have had Picard vs

First Contact with the TV versions of the crew, and more space combat. That would have been just peachy.

The Voyager pilot is actually really good, but mostly because you leave it thinking they might actually follow through on their premise. A few episodes into the series, you have been broken of those hopes.

I wound up stuck in Vegas a couple months before my 21st birthday and Star Trek The Experience was just about the only thing there was to do. I wasn't nuts about the Borg one, but the Klingon one where you briefly stand on the Enterprise bridge made a great impression, if mostly for the bridge. Big ups for that.

Who the shit knows what the Nexus is? And isn't there a Voyager where basically the exact same Nexus-ey "inside joy" thing happens, and it turns out it's actually a sentient being?

I've actually heard that fanwank before, Khanthrok. It's plausible

On a more constructive note, I always say Darmok, but The Defector might be a good choice too. Even if the Patrick Stewart hologram at the beginning is confusing, most of the characters get big moments, there's real, organic tension, a battle or two, crackling dialogue, and the stakes are huge.