Bad Horse

I don't know how you would screw up Lore. He sucks. Also, Descent puts him down pretty definitively, barring ridonkulous coincidences.

Seriously, is there a lower tier on the Internet than Star Trek message board troll?

Trek has a large and diverse enough fanbase that no matter what you do, someone will be pissed. Someone out there is probably upset that there were no Voyager movies.

Except not The High Ground, because that's got a bad case of the TNG preachies. Although Picard knocking that guy the fuck out is pretty awesome.

Time travel doesn't suck when it has rules. But Star Trek has never been able to decide what those are, and the Nexus is probably the most nebulous one of all. It exists outside time, but time appears to pass, and you can leave it voluntarily, and choose where you end up? WTF?

Also Data serves as a flotation device in case of emergency…

It was the XTREME 90s, homeskillet. Grunge was dying of Bush poisoning and nu-metal was several years away. Something had to fill the void, and that something was the Enterprise-E.

So what did lighting directors figure out between TNG and BSG that makes BSG so much more atmospheric?

That's probably another way bringing Kirk back served Generations poorly. TNG threats are smaller than TOS threats, enough so that stepping it up to 230 million deaths is a big step up for Picard but a big step down for Kirk, who generally saves the universe before breakfast.

I just have no idea why anyone wants a DS9 continuation. The ending was perfectly cromulent,

No, Richelieu, the line in Insurrection that will make you want to forcibly tear that VHS out and demagnetize it is "Saddle up! Lock and load!"

But Engineering? That seems kinda…technical, as in not for dilettantes.

That's not important footage, though. It's mostly establishing shots, not the climax to your big fucking space battle.

Generations could probably have been written a lot better if they would have just laid back a bit and aimed for summer or Christmas 1995. Instead they made Moore/Braga write both this and All Good Things simultaneously.

By contract, Data was apparently required to have at least one cringeworthy line in every TNG movie. I would argue that "Oh shit" was actually pretty funny, but there's plenty of bad karma in Generations to cancel it out.

Yeah, actually it looked much better. The business near the observatory, where everything's bathed in that orange sunlight, looks awesome.

So, Cause and Effect in movie form, basically?

The saucer crashing is the best part of the movie, except that the battle that destroyed the Enterprise itself is pretty weak. So the big E doesn't penetrate the Klingon shields with the first shot, and then they apparently forget to keep firing and just take a beating. Then they technobabble their way out of it in

I had a similar experience with Insurrection, which until the reboot was the only Trek movie I saw in theaters. You don't really get how grating the phaser sound is until you get it blasted at you at 130dB.

When Picard came back from the Nexus, he apparently could have respawned anywhere in the area. Why even bother? Beam down straight to the rocket and circumvent the fight. But no, he has to go straight back to the hardest possible option and drag out poor old Kirk to help him.