Bad Horse

*sniff* burned to death in a cancerAIDS fire. *sniff* Now there will be no more The Malcontents.

Once the government has approved something
it's no longer immoral!

Bob Seger inevitably leads to Chad Kroeger. Fuck em both

Mark, man, just let it go. You're not winning any converts.

David Tennant? Twitchy? You don't fucking say.

I'm sure they'll hit the phony-baloney regeneration limit in a Doctor or two, make a big to-do about it for the finale/regeneration story, and then come up with a relatively anticlimactic workaround.

And now he jettisoned the swimming pool. It was so useful as a shock absorber.

"My ship…which I love like a woman…"

I thought House would put up more of a fight when they were trying to get to the secondary control room. He might have made it impossible for them to see, or rearranged the corridors, or any number of things.

Agreed, Prole. Pound for pound, this is actually shaping up to be better than season 5, which was awesome. Last week was relatively weak but coming in season 4 it might have seemed a highlight, and it was a damn sight better than Victory of the Daleks.

The only reasonable counterpoint I can imagine is that Star Trek isn't supposed to be about real life dramas and realistic characters. I could see someone saying that, but that person is probably a huge Voyager fan and probably doesn't see anything wrong with season 1 of TNG.

I can think of no episode of Enterprise in the first two seasons that left any sort of positive impression on me. None. And they have Precious Cargo. And they have A Night in Sickbay. Seriously, how does anyone like Enterprise?

That's why you go with Khan, because you get both.

Yeah, a lot of that but it also has the Jellico business on the Enterprise, which is aces.

Especially weird considering how much baseball, as an industry, trades in nostalgia. You'd think some upstart like Buck Bokai would never have a chance of being considered the greatest when baseball's always telling us how great the game was in the 30s.

My job takes up so little of my brain most of the time that I have no problem doing both.

No, he looks pretty much the same in Dune.

That would be Tapestry. In fact, I'm pretty sure they're the exact same plot.

"and I'll put it's four seasons up against the first four seasons of any of the other franchises."

Phantasms is OK, maybe slightly above average in the flavorless slurry that is season 7.