Isabella Soprano

that's why I'll probably see it. These movies all look the same on a TV but the attention to detail in the CGi animation I've seen in the trailers (on a big screen before some other movie) makes me think this is worth seeing in theaters.

Dying to know if anyone else here subscribes to Entertainment Weekly and thus got the big Fall Preview Issue with the ridiculous soundchip-equipped insert for "The Secret Circle." I pressed the goddamn sensors on that thing over and over again despite having zero interest in watching this show. In fact, that goofy-ass

Fuck it
"The thousand-page novel is staggeringly dense with interlaced characters, whose complicated interactions stretch back through hundreds of years of lineage, and it stretches to encompass Martin's entire world, taking in POV characters from the entire series in order to cover events in a dozen locales."

make that "past few weeks"

your introduction…
…depicting the fake past few months, when 'chuck' captured the zeitgeist of american TV…weirdly similar to that hee-larry-ous onion news video of the sixth anniversary of the segway, no?

suggestions for "wire week"
the AV Club's sure-to-be upcoming weeklong tribute/send off to "The Wire," coming the week of the premiere, for which you, the hardworking staff, are probably researching and finding interviews etc. as we speak!

what button do you press to stylishly release a flock of doves in slow motion?

no grade??
you know, cause that's all i read the reviews for.

are you still on vacation?
it's almost 1pm, 4PM on the east coast. where's my day-after "curb" review? Last night's dog-stomp was one of the funniest moments in the history of the show!!

college kids love ken burns too
where's the "the war" review we've been waiting for? my fruit loops are getting soggy.

hey noel

what can i say
i'm committed. the same way i committed to the entire season of 'john from cincinnatti', even though i kind of hated that show by the end of the second episode.


"four actresses with distintive looks and voices"
Yeah, judging by the billboards all over the place for this show, it's a brunette one, a blonde one, a redhead and a black lady. So it's about as diverse as the average selection of Barbie dolls.

i think that last comment came off kinda harsh
it's saturday. i'm a little more calmed down. i think i'll go watch some cartoons now.

re: it's helll naw
okay well how about my argument that tyler perry just kind of threw in as many things as he could to save his movie from being something more than 4 black couples fighting in a cabin, even though the premise of the movie gets kind of ditched half way through once they leave the cabin.

funny referene awards go to:

i was at the premiere
and let me just say, if you think black people talk alot during a movie, wait til you hear them at a movie premiere! and i am not complaining by the way. the audience saved the movie. in fact, they made it one of the most enjoyable movie-going experiences ive had in a while. cheering and booing

hey…half my comment got cut off!
I don't feel like retyping it. Whoever the admin is, you might as well delete it.

I think my man Nate-Dogg Rabin said it best in his "Seinfeldvision" review in tha TV Club.