
that's fine, just understand that he wasn't the one driving so it's hard to pin the asshole moniker directly on him.

The only good part is that Walton Goggins is her boss at the FBI in that short scene.

Not easy to confuse at all, imo

RE5 is far from a terrible game. It's not bad when you're playing by yourself, but once you remove the dumb AI element from it it becomes much more fun. What types of co-op games are you looking for, exactly? Do you want to shoot things? Solve puzzles?

I caught an advance screening of this and you are so on the money about that. They call the thieves/robbers of the time "minutemen".

Aside from the dark humor, Saul had a great line when Walt seemed to be in disbelief he was calling a vacuum repair shop.

Agreeing with this. Mike hasn't been one to say stuff he doesn't mean. He seemed completely confident when he told Jesse shit was about to hit the fan. Gonna have to rewatch it.