C Everett Koop

Keep in mind that the Judge is a babyface… which I doubt either Perlman or DDL could pull off. Here's your cast:

HOL suffers from having been written by the same douche who inflicted "Only Revolutions" upon me. Seriously, fuck that book. I'm old enough to own my own copy of 'Blonde on Blonde', and this guy wrote that book like 'Obviously Five Belivers' was the new shit.

"Dance Dance Dance" started out strongly, but petered out as it became apparent that the Goat Man would not reappear. That book needed more fucking Goat Man.

Winona's rotoscoped yet still glorious mammaries are available for viewing in Linklater's "A Scanner Darkly".

You must die.

Both are American productions. Lee is from Hong Kong. BBC is correct. So is AV Club. As a medical professional, I advise that you read more closely.