
Stop spreading this filthy propaganda!

2.5 and I'm taking the under every time.

House of piss!

"Jary gaze wistfuly at his own reflectien in the miror

dear me, the man is dense.

I always thought the one that worked for everything was "Fuck me? No, fuck you!"

Oh, hello everyone!

and let me tell you something, it. was. wonderful!

Get back to work, Dan.

i gave up after 2 episodes this season. should i give it another shot?

"Am I gonna have to deliver presents to a bunch of goddamn bees?"

Fallow and Left and Leaving are two of my favorite albums ever. Fallow is so stripped down and then Left and Leaving comes around with all these melodies that are just completely…"full" is the best word I can think of. Beautiful records, and since I've been lucky enough to meet them at a couple of shows, super nice

most beautifully-shot show on tv, bar none.

I find myself both flattered and aroused by such praise!

you and me both!

heynong man

I just finished it. It was…fine? I don't know. I had trouble following the depictions of the technology (both present and far-future). There were more than a few times I'd turn a few pages back and say "wait, how is thing X held together? what does thing Y actually look like?" only to discover I really hadn't missed

mister heavenly is so, so good. i was lucky enough to see them play once and they blew the roof off the damn place.

I believe this is true no matter which universe theory you subscribe to.

dead! dead! double-dead!