the carboxyl group

It's not rocket science. People > 60 *always* vote, never miss an opportunity, and have been particularly stirred up in the years since 2010. People < 40 sometimes vote in Presidential elections but can't be bothered otherwise. Surprise surprise, midterms are bloodbaths for liberals, and it'll probably be that way

So what do you call all those people who believed in the divinity of Christ for the first couple hundred years, before the doctrine of the Trinity was developed? Pre-Christians?

Apparently, she's also a Republican. Somehow that makes sense.

My wife once told me, I thought you were really funny when we first started dating. Later I realized you were just quoting the Simpsons. We have a very happy marriage.

Mecha-Godzilla, you really should register. That way people know that you're legit. Besides, I'm really curious to see what you're reading these days.

I like change for the sake of change. I wish everything would change, all the time. Isn't about time we got an AV Club redesign? It's been a few weeks, and the old design is starting to look stale.

Arch Campbell goes on DR every few years, and he always talks about how beautiful she is, etc. On a related note, Arch Campbell was Patton Oswalt's Gatekeeper of Coolness, when he was a lad, and as indicated in said bit, he does indeed have just about the most middlebrow tastes of any movie critic in America. Fuck if

Eve looks like a vibrator. She was asking for it.

He's the first person to ever think, much less proclaim out loud, that these commercials are anything but fucking atrocious, only slightly more appealing than a bloody maggot clinging to Satan's reptilian asshole. Hence, the firstie.

I didn't know people actually shopped at American Apparel. I thought it only existed as a cultural touchstone. I always figured if you stepped through the doors, you'd find yourself in a damp, garbage-strewn alley. Or worse, a Subway.

Yes, the RoD cover is notable both for being a godawful cover and for being a godawful painting. Also, letting Uptown Girl put her godawful mark on that album didn't seem to help the marriage very much. Anyone else up for descending into Hades with me to retrieve Billy Joel from the land of the dead?

Did you also see Poison Ivy with your stepdad, picked out at random? On a related note, Tom Skerritt was born in the fucking Depression.

Yes, yes. It was a light bulb, and I also, for many years, struggled to reconcile George and Ma'am "changing a light bulb" with having sex. Because, if memory serves, George was naked, right? Jesus. This is fucking awful. Apparently, a whole generation was traumatized.

Another vote for Green. It's tight, and it rocks, consistently and thoroughly. I like Pinkerton a lot, but I fucking cringe every time I hear the lyrics to "Pink Triangle." Red and Make Believe aren't terrible, but they both have plenty of cringeworthy moments, lyrically. It was interesting to hear Rivers mention the

Candyman, tell em the truth!

AC is from Maryland. Huh. Shout out to Columbia, I guess.

But the question on everybody's mind—my mind, anyway—is: Is it better than Inland Empire?

I also heard Lennon & McCarthy for the Willie Nelson joke. Also, that hot buttered corn joke is a lot of work just for that punchline.

Under the new design, all movie grades are ironic, unless they're unmistakably awful, in which case they are intended as sincere. Hence, Bride Wars really is a D-, but the Unborn is an ironic A-, which is actually an F. Anything between a D+ and a B- might or might not be ironic, depending on the tone of the reviewer.