
So there's this website called eBay…

The Most Perfect Film of All Time…
Would be a buddy comedy where the Rock plays an undercover cop who teams up with Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Donovan McNabb to uncover a vast conspiracy masterminded by Bill Belichick. Also, Eagles Offensive Tackle Jon Runyan would play the Rock's wise-cracking partner who gets

The Problem with Charlie Parker
I've been big into jazz my whole life and every time I try to get into Charlie Parker I just can't. It's not because what he's doing isn't amazing, but his sound is just so empty. Part of it is because he's playing an alto sax, which doesn't sound as warm and rich as a tenor, but it's

Did anyone else misread the headline?
I totally thought the headline was:

I actually watch the Super Bowl for the Football
I thoroughly enjoy the game of Football. I admit it. Do I have to stop reading the AV Club?

Thanks for clearing that up. I get the whole Katherine Heigl thing now.

Top Women?
What does that even mean? What was the criteria? Katherine Heigl does not immediately jump to mind when someone says make a list of famous women.

David Bowie:

Here's a thought
Let's say you're online at Amazon.com. You buy a book on meeting new people. Inside the book it says "Go to a book store and chat up someone who is looking for a book that you know about or are also interested in." Instead, you go online to Amazon.com and post a review thinking it's the same thing.

Here's a Question…
Do any of the winners every actually become idolized?

It's been done
Remember when Diddy dropped the P?

Imagine That!
Be careful with it. Don't stand next to any big magnets.
Why would I stand next to a big magnet?
I don't know what you do in your personal life.

Wow. An editor responded to my post. That's way better than firsts.

I'm guessing no one actually read the press release…
The Band is clearly being honored. How did all you silly hipsters miss this? None of you would be so bitchy if you knew they were being honored. I just hope they don't have Robbie Robertson sing. His mic is off for a reason people.

A Burger by Any Other Name…
If I was at a Burger King and they said they stopped serving the Whopper I would just ask for a burger that was in the proportions of the Whopper.

Trebek don't take no mess.
I read an interview by Trebek once in Esquire and he said and I quote:

I didn't want to go anyway. I don't even know where it is. It's stupid.

Facebook Gifts
Wow. That was timely. Last year.

No Pete and Pete?
I skimmed the whole thing just to find out what he thought about being the Wrigley's meter man and seeing into the future.

O'Reilly goes after yet another illegal alien
Here's a question: What kind of political structure do they have on Melmac and how does this qualify Alf to discuss politics?