
"Nothing but rave reviews"? Haha, you completely missed the point. Here it is again: studios know that no reviewer or awards committee will risk any serious criticism of a major prestige movie about either slavery or the Holocaust, because obviously anyone who calls these movies maudlin, ahistorical, or amateurishly

"Slavery was wrong, and many slaves suffered terrible injustice"
-Every slavery movie ever

Sounds like shameless Oscar bait. People sure do love being told how much more virtuous they are than their great-great-grandfathers (though of course We Still Have A Long Way To Go (TM)). If it were up to me, slavery movies and Holocaust movies would automatically be ineligible for any Oscar consideration, let's see

Like all gays, Mr. Ellis has the right to be as promiscuous as he wants without being judged for it, you have no business talking publicly about how he likes to "get trashed" with "a lot" of critics, or implying that he's "never been off limits". Anonymous Grindr hookups, gloryholes, and circuit parties are central to

You seem to know more than an honest citizen should about this pattern of homophobia and anti-gay bigotry in the "serious" literary criticism establishment. Your use of the term "punching bag" also reads like a coded dog whistle condoning violence against gays and trannies. Next time please check your het privilege

That's quite a wall of words just to say that white film critics are cowardly slaves to politically correct speech codes. The unintentionally hilarious angle is that apparently it's only OK to criticize a member of a Protected Victim Group (TM) when they themselves set a toe outside of PC boundaries. For example,

"I like the idea of watching Game Of Thrones on a Sunday night so
I’m there with it, and I can tweet with the other people watching it,
and talk about it the next day. With House Of Cards, I’m denied
that. So my television viewing becomes even more isolating than it was
before. Which, in some ways, is perfectly

I talk to people about TV shows now and then, but I'm amazed that a grown adult is actually emotionally invested in being part of the weekly Twitter "conversation" about the latest episode of Gossip Girl or whatever. There is some blathering about whether shows will get better or worse as they move away from serial

Strong movie overall, and a nice change from the usual Hollywood depictions of spycraft (it reminded me a bit of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy that way). It lets viewers make up their own minds about the morality of the methods used, and focuses the drama on the challenges involved in finding UBL and the human cost

Strong movie overall, and a nice change from the usual Hollywood depictions of spycraft (it reminded me a bit of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy that way). It lets viewers make up their own minds about the morality of the methods used, and focuses the drama on the challenges involved in finding UBL and the human cost

I don't need to see the movie to spot a poorly written review.

Nathan's review in a nutshell:

Comment: Tarantino reminds me of M. Night Shyamalan.
His first 1 or 2 movies were decent genre pieces but they've been
getting worse and worse ever since: lazier, trashier, more
self-indulgent. Unlike Shyamalan though, critics love Tarantino because
he pretends to make bold, challenging films that somehow never quite

Comment: Tarantino reminds me of M. Night Shyamalan.
His first 1 or 2 movies were decent genre pieces but they've been
getting worse and worse ever since: lazier, trashier, more
self-indulgent. Unlike Shyamalan though, critics love Tarantino because
he pretends to make bold, challenging films that somehow never quite

Lol at the horrifying revelations in this article. Jennifer Lawrence doesn't like silent movies? APPALLING! Moe Tucker isn't down with socialism? DISGUSTING! Orson Scott Card is against gay marriage (just like Obama was until a couple months ago)? OUTRAGEOUS! As soon as I saw the title I knew it would just be

Lol at the horrifying revelations in this article. Jennifer Lawrence doesn't like silent movies? APPALLING! Moe Tucker isn't down with socialism? DISGUSTING! Orson Scott Card is against gay marriage (just like Obama was until a couple months ago)? OUTRAGEOUS! As soon as I saw the title I knew it would just be

What's this, an Abigail Nusbaum review where she babbles endlessly about misogyny and rape culture? How unexpected! Seriously though, imagine what a miserable life it must be to view all art and entertainment through the cramped lens of radical political correctness. She's like this pulsing raw nerve eternally on the

What's this, an Abigail Nusbaum review where she babbles endlessly about misogyny and rape culture? How unexpected! Seriously though, imagine what a miserable life it must be to view all art and entertainment through the cramped lens of radical political correctness. She's like this pulsing raw nerve eternally on the

"It almost seems like Skyfall wants to turn back the clock in terms of the roles played by women, too"

"It almost seems like Skyfall wants to turn back the clock in terms of the roles played by women, too"