
I like (read = loathe) how all Democrats need to be serious contenders but the GOP can just throw pieces of shit on the ballot and still win

Ain't no misogyny like a woman's misogyny because a woman's misogyny is internalized!

It's mind-numbingly beautiful?

Idk, ICP espouse some pretty progressive shit in that song:

Russia aside (!), it's apparent that a vast swath of this country doesn't just have valid opposing philosophies of governance, but lacks basic morality and common decency; we're talking Mister Rogers/Reading Rainbow level shit: share your things, it's OK to be different, don't hit people, reading is fun.
"Let's do

heh, I'm as baffled that people hate "You and I" as I am that people loved Michael Cera's appearance

Mmm I see what you mean about the scenes being long but (and maybe I've giving Lynch too much credit here but… nah) I think that the length of the scenes is precisely what makes them so unsettling. They're sort of the exact wrong length of time (ie., past when you would normally expect a scene to end, after all

It's kind of weird to see a bunch of people actively enjoying some relatively well-known acts. I miss the disgruntled loggers completely ignoring Julee Cruise's crooning

I just thought it was so dumb, but hey, if it worked for you

Oh that scene was so creepy. Her just yelling 1 1 9 out, repeatedly, to no one

We should all strive to approach the unfamiliar with Coop's serene, nonjudgmental acceptance

Damn I was hoping this was going to be about a group that believes the band Ride doesn't exist

Don Draper's Last Days


That horrible thing with the bulging eyes and hanging jaw that was two cells down from Matthew Lillard in the jail shot right up there with the Man Behind the Winkie's and Laura Dern's Black Hole Sun face for me in the pantheon of creepy Lynch shit

Oh THAT's where I recognized her from

Kinda looks like they re-used Reagan

Ryan's chicken legs

The early stuff? I see it:

I think I admire brutalism more than I enjoy it. The best way I've seen it put is that brutalism works as sculpture, less so as architecture.