Multiple Miggs

Will Harris will dance to anything by Book of Love.

Will Harris will dance to anything by Book of Love.

The pin has finally been pulled from the grenade.

The pin has finally been pulled from the grenade.

Rats.  Got beaten to all the good Phantasm jokes.  This is what happens when I start working and stop refreshing every 10 seconds.

Rats.  Got beaten to all the good Phantasm jokes.  This is what happens when I start working and stop refreshing every 10 seconds.

If I'm going to be playing with VHS Or Beta, I demand that they open for me.

If I'm going to be playing with VHS Or Beta, I demand that they open for me.

I could not have come up with a better name for a fake Ben Gibbard song than "Teardrop Windows".  Well done, Gibbard.

I could not have come up with a better name for a fake Ben Gibbard song than "Teardrop Windows".  Well done, Gibbard.

What was the sky like when you were young?

What was the sky like when you were young?

These don't work.  Stop it.

These don't work.  Stop it.

Was he ever in Battlestar Galactica?

Was he ever in Battlestar Galactica?

Haha, people get mad at TV shows.

Haha, people get mad at TV shows.

Yo, I wasted this bitch.

Yo, I wasted this bitch.