Multiple Miggs

Don't look at me like I'm fuckin' Billy Zane, man!

Breaking Bad news was sooooo two weeks ago.

Sir, you're drinking Columbian Decaf Coffee Crystals…

This is the first new release I've bought in maybe 10-12 years (Thanks Napster, Kazaa, Limewire, Pirate Bay, etc.!).  I'm glad I did.  It's stellar.  IMO deserving of an A or at least an A-.

If you had told me in 1993 that Nirvana would be done within a year and Pearl Jam would still be releasing albums 20 years later, I would have cried much more than the single tear Modell sheds for indie record stores.

Speaking of Blind Melon, I really hope someone takes on "No Rain".  It's probably the song that's caused me to change the radio station the most.

Blink 182 was fine.  Nothing special, but nothing (too) offensive either.  Carousel is still a great track.

I liked it better when Homer went to space.

Chris Kirkpatrick you can get your ass kicked worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards.

This Random Roles was fine.

Idk about this new stuff, but I'm seeing motherfucking GOBLIN on Saturday.  Haven't been this pumped for a show in a long time.

Great to see Rogen and Franco getting some work these days.

That episode of Boy Meets World where Shawn turns out to be the killer and he's like OMG it's me!


Still can't believe Kaientai tried to chop off his pee pee.

Spinoff series - Jesse Pinkman: Unabomber

How is this news?  It doesn't mention Breaking Bad even once.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin is still the ultimate anti-hero.  And that's the bottom line, son.

Here're two pictures.  One is your locker and one is a garbage dump in the Phillippines.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.  CBS proudly brings to you it's TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORRRRRRLLLLLD.  The Road Dogg Vince Gilligan, Bad Ass David Shore.  The NEW AGE OUTLAWS.