
I'm in my 50's so the flavor of the month is just FINE with me.

They should get somebody who doesn't have CEREBRAL PALSY to play the role. Damned mumbling differently-abled kid.

They should get somebody who doesn't have CEREBRAL PALSY to play the role. Damned mumbling differently-abled kid.

Dunno exactly, it's been awhile since I've had DVR to freeze the frame.

Dunno exactly, it's been awhile since I've had DVR to freeze the frame.

My utterly cynical analysis: Idol needs its alumni to be as *big* as possible given their finishing order. PP's future is sealed and will not be enhanced with a win tonight, whereas J-San's will. Therefore it's J-San all the way tonight. (The small print at the end of the show says the producers have the right to cook

My utterly cynical analysis: Idol needs its alumni to be as *big* as possible given their finishing order. PP's future is sealed and will not be enhanced with a win tonight, whereas J-San's will. Therefore it's J-San all the way tonight. (The small print at the end of the show says the producers have the right to cook

Skylar was sabotaged by whoever picked "Fortunate Son" for her. Country fans aren't going to vote for a hippie anti-establishment screed, no matter how twanged up it is.

Tonight's results will trim the field to 5 guys and 5 gals as voted in by you, the viewer, plus 3 "wild cards" to be selected by the judges. But I don't know what you heard because I wasn't with you.

Brilliant. "Do. Not. Smoke."

I don't think that's on. I could be wrong and I'm not going to bother looking it up, but I thought the fateful day of disappearance was actually Hauser's first day on The Rock. So there's no reason to expect he would have known Hastings.

Is "I don't consume TV as it is intended to be consumed: (hand-waving hand-waving)" the new, "I don't watch TV?"

I have to say there's sob stories, and there's sob stories. For instance, the fake-out ploy was performed by none other than the MORON who's not that good, with a pregnant wife, who quit a regular job to chase his dream, allegedly encouraged by said pregnant wife. You can bet that 20 years from now when their

I guess you mean behind the auditioners. Because there was a sailboat behind the judges. Which, huh? I don't believe it was Steven's yacht, do you? But I'm guessing the producers put it there for a reason — maybe to preempt shenanigans?

Also, Ernest Cobb looked very familiar to me but checking his IMDB reveals I've not watched anything with him in it. I would have sworn he was somebody who probably got his face shot off in "Band of Brothers" or something.

Is mentioning VERTIGO considered spoilerish? Because the cold open was directly out of that movie, and the music score and at least one scene called back to it many times throughout. I'm sad to see M. Giacchino go from LOST MVP to the John Williams of ALCATRAZ. Not every line and plot point requires a musical comment,

Whoever directed this episode deserves to be drowned in a toilet by the drunken, out-of-control scion of a disgraced financial wizard.

Did anybody besides me choke up at the way Walter said, "Jesse" when Jesse opened the door?