
A remake of "The Ladykillers?" That plan sounds like it was hatched in the loony bin!

She looks like Theon.

I just hope the Clegane / Martell duel omits some of the Inigo Montoya flavor. Yes, Martell had his reasons and GRRM did as well as he could in this line. But Mandy Patinkin has destroyed that scene for all future movies.

Well, thanks for the reminder. I'm kind of glad I missed it because the gut punch was actually quite enjoyable once I got over the shock. I guess if one is not paying attention one gets a lot of nice surprises along the way.

Question re: Jorah's betrayal
It's been awhile since I read the first book. In the TV series, Jorah is mentioned by name as feeding info on Dany to Varys.

Netflix Streaming — until tomorrow
FYI this is available on Netflix streaming up until tomorrow, according to Instantwatcher.com

Two comparisons I want to see before buying
The two games I've played that these descriptions most remind me of are "Heavy Rain" which I quit about 5 hours into, and "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" which I enjoyed but don't fancy playing on a console. How does the game withstand these comparisons?

Kevin McDonald movie
Maybe he could play an elephant rider. He does that pretty convincingly.

BTW I had a sort of an ESP thought about Hailey's back-sass to Randy. The way she intoned that she didn't want to change it up too much. Suppose that was something Iovine told her to beware of, and she was halfway into sassing back at Randy when she realized, she'd be in trouble deep if she threw Jimmy under the bus…

Even though "Earth Song" suxs, I don't think you get to critique song choice when you tell them to choose a song that inspires them. Stick to the performance thereof.