Mike Smith

Did like that battle between Bender and Flexo the best!!!

I do enjoy those wild stories Sophia was telling. My favorite (And the one I couldn't stop LOL a lot) is from the game show one, in which she talk about how a Italian game show, called "Torture", became, in America, "Tattletales"!

I still wondering if the AV Club TV Classic ever going to review The Lone Gunmen while they reviewing season 8 as well.

Is Count Floyd hosting it?

Wondering if Count Floyd is hosting it!

It was Marcia Wallace's Emmy-winning episode, and the best-remembered Edna-centered episode ever.

When Elizabeth Taylor died two years ago, Fox repeated Lisa's First Word.

Can you tell us about The Judy Garland Show anytime soon? Or Honey West?

Looking at the head photo, I wondering why those society people doing there. What does it's have to do with Rollerball, anyway???

No love for Ironside?

NBC still have bad memories on showing the Buffalo Bill Christmas episode in the mist of Spring Break!!!

Maybe this is a bit far from the point, but I'm honestly really surprised that Futurama's Suicide Booths are still just fiction.

Thanks goodness they did Futurama crossovers since then!!!

You ought to see that Futurama crossover when it air later this season!!!

Someone ought to review the second season of The Critic!!!

The A.V. Club’s Carrie Raisler says Betrayal “feels like the least essential” new show of the season

While it's true that his stand-up film is based on Lenny, his flight attendant musical is inspired by Chicago-as a matter of fact, the film title's is inspired by the standout song from that musical!

At least Turkish Superman is better!!!!

Yes, it is! Where their soccer channel used to be!

I think it's that rave from David Manning that got them interested!!!