
Thank god somebody wised up and put Denis Leary in this movie.

Phew!  And here I was worried this Robocop reboot wouldn't be racist enough!

I would absolutely watch a series about network execs sitting around listening to old Bauhaus records.  Maybe break it up with some Siouxsie records and a bottle ep where they dance listlessly in a dark basement club.  Then listen to Dane Cook pitches all day.  This makes total sense to me.

The problem I noticed is that this song is not very good. #nuancedopinionhere

Based on these dates, I really think they booked the tour based solely on how far away from San Pedro Mike Watt thinks he can get that van from We Jam Econo to go without breaking down.

I hope there aren't any dragons or wizards or fuckin' magical swords, shit like that. It better be hard sci fi.

Carrie's Mix Drinks Mixtape:
Red Red Wine – ub40
Don’t Come Home Drinkin – Loretta Lynn
Margaritaville – Jimmy Buffet
I Drink Alone – George thorogood
Bitches Brew – Miles Davis
Gin & Juice – Snoop Dogg
One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer – George Thorogood
Boob Scotch – Bob Log III
Ice Cube – (unclear if song name or artist)

2030 predictions: The Gang reunites to stage the Always Sunny broadway musical they've destined themselves to create.

These are always hilarious.  My friend suggested naming our music project "Future Fat Guy Needs Two Seats Now", which i think is genius.

This show is doing a good job using its baby as a plot device to bring it's leads together (like chris bringing the baby reagan's office).

Just a shame the dude from Brainiac bit it, for a few months back there in '96, we all thought Dayton was the new Cleveland…rock wise.

Hoo boy! The Cincinnati sound is back on top again!

I feel like the smallness of the NBC actor stable is somehow more obvious every year.  I imagine it as like a big comedian dug out with some Exec/PR person going "Goofy German accent guy?  Hmm, we need a closer…already used up the SNL crew…KROLL! Get in there!"

They should have kept Entertainment 720 around/sped up Ben + Leslie's relationship up enough so that Ben could become Tom and Jean Ralphio's accountant and made the business work after he got fired.  But that's just one man's opinion.  I've always like Tom and Ben's relationship, plus the more Jean Ralphio the better.

FACT: that same distant, pensive stare will be featured in 45% of the shots of Lincoln.

::by saywhatagain::

Jim Rash EGOT in the offing.

It's weird that the closest antecedent to Python I can think of is the Monkees.

HEAD is one of the greatest psychedelic comedies ever made.  Monty Python filtered through a rampantly subversive pot-fueled meeting of the Monkees and Jack Nicholson (which is actually exactly what it was).

Snow way!