
I've heard they're still trying to split this into 2 Parts, which is the stupidest idea possible.  The whole story only pays off with the Giant Psychic Mutant last act, that's the money shot.  Who wants to see a first part that's just kids moodily riding motorcycles if they have no investment in the series?

Workaholics!  Amiright brahs?

Personally, I blame the fans.  For shame. Why didn't you care more?

Also, some more thoughts re: the Daria thing…
Beavis and Butt-Head are like perfect in their forever-early-adolescent-immaturity, but I think it could be really interesting catching up with Daria if she had aged slightly.  Maybe it's just because I'm like kinda-sorta similarly aged with her character (or my original

Speaking of profound disappointment, I had this comment primed and ready to go as a first, keeping an eye on twitter for the post…but then I got distracted figuring the guitar part to There Is A Light That Never Goes Out and oh god what am I doing with my life?

Is it just me or is Community beginning to have a profound problem of being way too disappointing whenever it's not doing an elaborately ambitious gimmick episode?  They can't all be postmodern deconstructions…

Daria moved away?!? NOO!

About time somebody made a comedic Twin Peaks.

I started watching this show because I saw this episode name in the guide and thought it had something to do with Queen, which I was obsessed with in 7th grade.  Back when Adult Swim had the "All kids, outta the pool!" bumps. Best VHS recording decision I ever programmed. #memories

So…they ARE going to put her in a sexy costume in the 3rd act of every episode? That's just a thing this show is doing?

Leslie Knope and I share a birthday.  I couldn't be more proud.

Every time I watch "The Magnificent 7" I'm disappointed it's some dumb old western and not about the Clash.

b w/ "When There Was A Time To Remember The Darkness You Loved"

Seconded @avclub-01c2bff254aa9799912374128532e5b3:disqus .  For Comedy Central doing a live action comedy, credit where credit's due.  Let's not forget their competition includes Krod Mandoon and Secret Girlfriend.  Remember those shows?  ….exactly.

This show is pretty funny.  Can be almost always sunnyish, if I can say that without getting tarred and feathered here.  I mean, the last episode was just them trying to reclaim their youth by getting drunk in a Chuck e Cheese. I'm probably not doing the best job of selling it…

People were probably more pumped for prime-time Rumplestiltskin, IMHO.

Soon all leadership positions in the group will be decided by Shane and Rick having a hushed-growl-off.

Comics: dead wife makes you violent, angry. possibly superhumanly so
Network TV: dead wife makes you moody, sullen.  possibly superhumanly so.

Add dead wife back story: "I Punish only so I can feeeeeel again"

Hope there's more Tron: Legacy crossover and we get a Daft Punk update of the BAAAAAAAAAAH!……BAAAAAAAAAAAAH!…..BAAAAAAAAAAAH! score, which could actually be pretty cool.Which is why it will never happen and instead be like Lady Gaga singing a ballad called "Be My Tetsuo".But hey, live action giant psychic mutant