
Well, they can't ALL be "Metal Machine Music", can they?

Hey did anyone else notice the goof at the end of the first scene where there were accidently TWO Cartmans on screen?  One was yelling at like Clyde or one of them, while the other was still on top of the ladder with binoculars.

Confusion is Divorce, apparently.

Always Sunny continues its surprising trend of cross-casting from The Wire!  First Cutty shows up as one of Frank and Charlie's bridge friends last season (with actually my favorite joke of the season: looking at pregnant Dee and going "*sniff*sniff*…pregnant."), and now Maj. Cedric Daniels on as Black Power Reggie.

Who plays Neil Young in Renee Zellweger's "Cinnamon Girl"? Cameron Diaz?

Guess he really could use that picture of Dorian Gray right now.

Leave it to O'Neal to write one of the most succinct descriptions of the existential isolation I've been feeling in a write up for "The Avengers" trailer:
"In a way, The Avengers is the story of all of us here in the self-absorbed yet isolated 21st century—trapped in our individual orbits, convinced of our own

Get it? GET IT? Face…off?  Face Off!

"In association with THE GRAMMYS" is not the strongest way to lead into your ambitious music project.

Disappointing, that's a damn fine stage name, and perfect for a huge dude fronting a band called "Rocket From The Tombs".  Do you Cheetah Chrome thinks he's a pussy for giving up on it?

The Ann plot worked if only to set up Ron's "forget people's names when they get to 'chummy'" device.  I will try that out in real life.

In Rocket from the Tombs context, I believe Dave Thomas goes by "Crocus Behemoth".

Too bad, this show was pretty entertaining…reminded me of the sitcom halcyon days of the late 90's.  RIP FA.

Surely, this is our Woodstock moment.

Aronofsky should skip the trouble of making a movie and just make a video for the Thermals' "Here's Your Future"

Surprised no one has brought up Party Down…Henry and Casey just feel so right in their entire development.  Feels so right.

This whitney was so weak, I didn't even notice it was over until the NBC bumps voice started talking to me.

As Mac from Always Sunny might say about Will Forte in Up All Night regarding NBC's roster of co-stars: "Dude, our bench isn't very deep."

The blatant Brooklyn fear mongering is the thing that's REALLY turning me off to this show.  Seriously, the depiction of Williamsburg is like ripped from the headlines of 1983 (same goes from the depiction of the MTA in the pilot…srsly, did Beth Behrs sleep on a G Train that time traveled 2 decades into the past?).  I

Let's hope they incorporate that Party Rock Anthem/North Korean Military marches meme into this beast.