
The Best Outcome
of all this would be some sick Odd Future/Big Black mash ups. Odd Black.

who needs plot
Ships and tits!

I know it's already been said, but to reiterate….

Oldboy's Gotta Have It
Oh Dae-su…ya always gotta do the right thing…with a hammer…and a hall full of guys.

I Remember
Tuning into an Adult Swim broadcast (back when it still had the "All Kids, outta the pool!" bumps!) of the episode "Bohemian Rhapsody". I recorded it (on VHS!) because I was a huge Queen fan in middle school.

Having sobered up, I now find my previous exuberance irrational.

This Show
Is quickly jumping to One Of The Best Comedies On TV (Live All Around Category):
1) Supreme Joke-Density
2) Excellent Cast-manship
3) Terrific Faux Seriousness
4) Deeply Layered Textuality

Age of Adz
I love Children's Hospital, but those giant creepy clown banner ads are making the AV Club IMPOSSIBLE to covertly read at work.

Redd Kross…
came up with the "Like A Virgin" speech?

No, but seriously, the DSLRs at this show were out of hand. LIke, there were parts during Dan Deacons set when there was a whole secondary strobe light effect generated just by kids' digital camera flashes. Check yr fstops, jerks.

Our Concert Could Be Your Life
Hey! I'm in this! Up front, red flannel shirt.

I thought Jim Carrey's Fingerlakes monologue was one of the funniest parts of the episode.

SO HAPPY THEY PICKED THIS UP. Brad Neely is pretty much the funniest animator who's not Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick, if Professor Brothers is any indication this will be solid gold. Most excited I've been for a cartoon premiere since Futurama came back…but I guess that's only dissing like 3 other shows or

Right, not a huge Ass Ponys fan, but Wussy is great.

Cincinnati loves Bootsy and Bootsy loves cinci. If it weren't for him and the Afghan Wigs, we'd have to keep pretending GBV, The Breeders and Brainiac were from our city instead of Dayton.

make more newswire updates Hall & Oates themed. Can you retroactively update the "NBC Drops Wonder Woman" post with a bunch of "She's Gone" references?

Some of us watching had to LITERALLY leave the room we were laughing so hard at Andy puking as he rand down the hall.

"Extended Neutral Milk Hotel shout outs on prime time network TV? We have truly arrived, my friends" - 90's Indie Rock

Jazz Recording! Woo!

Cowboy Bebop
One of the best cartoons of all times, duh. Glad to get some discussion forums.