
I hope
"Lincoln" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" open on the same day, just to see which spin on one of their most beloved heroes Americans prefer more. As if it isn't totally obvious.

Gill Sans Heron
Lucida Williams
Wings dings

I saw
LCD playing at Sunset, Lollapalooza, 2007. Sounds of Silver had just come out. They killed it, ending with a particularly blistering "All My Friends". Then I literally spun around 180 degrees and watched Daft Punk unleash sonic madness from atop their magical light pyramid.

Or will I be terminated by other sarcastic morons?

though I would appreciate a "Shampoo 2: Conditioner" if you've got the time. Thanks bro.

Thanks Warren
Perhaps Beatty will be the first in a trend of caretaker-vigilantes, selflessly buying up beloved properties and franchises then sitting on them, if only to keep them out of the hands of Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer, Uwe Boll, &c. After all, Beatty knows from experience that no one likes an

Hey Sean!
yr news briefs often raise a chuckle in me, but it's been a while since I got such a hearty LOL as when I read your appraisal of the distinction between men's undergarments for gentleman and men's undergarments for rebels. So, kudos.

An entire movie based on the gag in Ace Ventura where a Penguin emerges from a doggy door on Jim Carrey's freezer. I've been waiting 17 years for this.

No, capitalism killed it, accd. to Hugo Chavez.

Interesting gossip: I've heard that Susan Sarandon and Judah Friedlander have like a THANG going on outside 30 rock. Which is hilarious and weird and hope for fat hairy nerds everywhere

Rise Above
Saying the theme song is Rise Above makes me really wish the music and lyrics were by Henry Rollins and Greg Ginn. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

New from Showtime: The Legend of Pope Omar: Bishop with a Shotgun

Why can't somebody make a show about REAL historical Drama? You know, where they sit around in damp, cold stone cloisters and fret about how much god hates them? Or work 20 hour days pulling a till because they haven't figured out how to make a mule do it yet? THAT's the kind of drama that'll really play in

"wait, you guys haven't seen the zombies that spontaneously eject a bullet-sized slug of brain matter at high speeds from their forehead a few seconds after resurrection? Here, let me rewind this for you."

So Dr. Jenner just capped his wife while she was still getting scanned in the high tech MRI thing? Aren't those things huge fucking magnets? Should he really be discharging a fire arm point blank into a brain scanner?

Anyone who thinks this episode wasn't great is as weakminded as curly-haired men or people with glasses.

just love Devo's Gates of Steel under Ice Cube.

FIRE MARSHAL: It appears, Mr. Young, that your experimental electric car you've spent years obsessing over was actually the cause of this fire that devastated your personal affects.

Good Idea
this seems like a good direction for Superhero movies…now that we, as a nation, all got a handle on this whole "x-men" thing, we can start accepting one-off stories that explore an interesting element, or particular characters journey within the world.

Lou Reed's perfect day…
…to cash a check. Does anyone remember that super cheesy (and weirdly space-themed) AT&T "Perfect Day" ad that ran during the olympics? I guess Reed's like "yo, if Imma write a sentimental pop song called 'Perfect Day', I better come out of the gate ready to pawn that shit off to the highest