
Ahahaha, I love this thread.

Hahaha. I can just hear the cries of "I say!" and "Well I never!" from here.

WNUR's Favorite Son
…other than Steve Albini, of course. Except that he hates us. And we (apparently, back in the day) hated him. But isn't that what Albini's all about?

A legal drama about massive product recalls…"Erin Brockovich Framed Roger Rabbit"?

THANK GOD someone gave this guy a show…why didn't Adult Swim run with China, IL? His animations are like the funniest/freshest/most original thing out there right now.

Thanks for the heads up, Schwarm. Glad to discoursing with you over the AV Club boards rather than crummy old Fish and Chips places like usual.

I took a screen writing class by that guy in college.

Wonder if there's only one bed and I forgot my shirt and…
"The third generation…snowboards and takes improv classes."
A little too close to home for me.

As Peggy's involvement with Abe continues, I really hope to see her in more Counter Culture situations…

Gams up to Heaven
This ep is such a perfect example of how genius the Venture Bros. story structure is. There's so much that only really clicks once you know what the final outcome is, like Billy's insinuation that he knows Vikki as a purveyor of "certain collectibles" (or whatever the exact line is), which seems