David Vaughan

Thanks for the synonym dude!!!

Yeah, a lot of reviews on here are like this. I don't see acknowledging this (and Breaking Bad) as genre fare as an insult. It's well done and it's fun to watch! But you're completely right, reading great subtextual themes into these types of shows is foolhardy.

It happens to be in the article you're commenting on…

Watch his stand-up and you'll see that, no, he is not.

And he finds time to work out 18 hours a day…

Are you really saying that anything that features a naked woman is porn? You might want to examine how you view women dude.

I'm so confused whenever people claim Harper's Island was anything other than hot garbage…

I'm going to continue never watching USA in protest!

I always hated this guy's face but damn if this interview didn't cement things for me. And I don't even like Macklemore.

WHY IS THIS GUY: http://bite-prod.s3.amazona… bitching about hipsters shopping at Goodwill and white privilege when, as the interviewer pointed out, Mackelmore actually grew up poor and Madrigal went to prep school??? I hate this song too but damn I hate this unfunny asshole a whole lot more

Dominic West's butt in "The Awakening" to star in my dreams from now until eternity

Isn't this the actor whose publicist dragged him back into the closet for America?

1. A simple google would reveal that Netflix offers a lot more than just original content. It's a great way to watch British television shows not shown in the U.S.
2. If you really wanted to be greedy you could get the free trial and watch the whole thing.
3. You're an idiot.

You're not funny and you need help.

You're not funny and you need help.

What the hell is "SPODS (matdse)" and why do you keep saying it?

What the hell is "SPODS (matdse)" and why do you keep saying it?

Really hard to take you seriously if you think anything to do with Kevin Smith is "good"

Really hard to take you seriously if you think anything to do with Kevin Smith is "good"