
My favorite line was definitely the interaction between Pam & Cheryl with Cheryl thinking she has psycho-kinetic powers, Pam telling her to use them for good, then Cheryl pausing before going, "…Nooo…". Fantastic.

Wedding Possibilities
OK, so…I always thought in the first episode Ted said "…that wasn't the day I met your mother. That was the day of *the* wedding." I just assumed he was talking about Bilsons' character (don't ask me how up that point he'd be close enough to be the best man, but), and he was the Best Man for that

"Even Pam's conversation with Angela, despite a conversation with one party being naked, ended up saying something about Angela's love for Dwight and how disappointed she's going to be to learn he has no such feelings."

Best RowBoat Cop Hint?
Alright, after Todd suggested some of Abed's RowBoat Cop robotic programming featured hints for future ep's (and after reading synopsis' for future eps, that's definitely true), I ofc had to go back and watch them all. Then I looked, and didn't see anyone else posted it (though It's late and I'm

The whole "I was going for Professor look…What?…Nothing!" was what told me, but I wouldn't be surprised if this carried over to the season finale. If I made a prediction I'd say Annie is gonna ask Britta if it's Ok to date Jeff, which Britta won't mind since while they've had sex, Britta may not feel anything more for

AD copy
One of the best episodes of the year, especially Tracy's lines. I couldn't help but think though during the Dr. Drew scenes, "Didn't Arrested Development already do this w/ Buster?"

Can we have Shenny now?
Two things come to mind after this ep:

Is it just me or did this seem like a big Jeff/Annie episode w/o it being entirely overt about it? Annie was in so few scenes, but when she was it kept the story in motion. They even went out of the way to say that Jeff went to her to help be his moral guide, basically. I don't know I just got a big "there